NYC Gym Series 05: Vitor Shaolin BJJ

Facility / Location: Let's be honest, I absolutely hate the Theater District. It's congested, tourist-filled, and there's something putrid in the air. However, Vitor Shaolin's school is a safe-haven from the ruckus. Though the studio itself is smaller the bigger NYC schools, it's not off-putting. It fashions a modern theme with deep-slate gray mats, complimented by air-con, art-work, a large-reception desk, clean lockers with two showers, and open-factory windows that make the gym feel like a New York loft.  It's truly immaculate.


One of the brown-belt instructor warms us up with standard plyometrics. However, the warm ups are eerily quiet with no music and just shy of fifteen students for today's class. After we're done, Shaolin takes the stage. He's the consummate 'brazillian jiu-jitsu professor': short-and-stocky, cauli-eared, a Rio de Janerio brown complexion,  and still with a noticeable Portuguese accent as he extends his vowels and rehashes a few of the same phrases and words.

The Novia Unio legend begins his sermon,  "H'okay guys, so we're tied up with with Judo grips, and my partner goes for a single leg. He takes me down. If you're taken down ... the fight isn't over. Frame and do a technical stand-up." Drilled and completed, Shaolin then demonstrates part-two, "Now, when you stand back-up, you have an opportunity to counter right away.  Action re-action always. Hard collar-drag and finish with the take-down yourself." He's providing good detail and showing it multiple times. Finally, we're shown the last part, "We try the collar-drag in the last part but this guy's has great base. Guys, maybe he's a better wrestler.  I mean, you were almost taken-down with a single leg and you were not able to counter him with your own move." He pauses. "So time to switch to Jiu-Jitsu. You have to pull guard now and attack with Jiu Jitsu. We are jiu-jitsu people, not wrestlers."

As he walks around coaching his students, Shaolin seems somewhat irate and fussy like a true old-school Brazilian. More so, when he sees something mediocre. "Come on, step a little further out...  you know how to do this!" he exclaims. You can tell how fervent he is about Jiu Jitsu even after all these years. I must say, it all seems to be well-intended. After all, you're paying to be coached... right?

What I loved most about this class wasn't the sequencing or technique -- single-leg take-down to collar-drag to guard pull and attack -- but how Shaolin is situationalizing the series. He concludes,  "Understand what's happening here, especially if you're in the competition. You have limited time and you don't know this guys game. You feel that he's a better wrestler. You're going to face people that are better than you in some areas. But you need to adapt to your strengths if you want to win."

Cost:  No month-to-month, but there are class packs available in place. With a commitment, around $200 per month. This is one of the better deals in NYC. (Access to the VS Upper-East with a single payment around a few hundreds for unlimited access to both studios).

Schedule:  This might be the biggest-down side for me personally. Coming after work, I don't want to have to go through a packed fight-foundations (self-defense playbook) or beginners class. Also I believe there an open mat fee on Sunday. (Look I get it, it's hard to compete in this city).


Shaolin's owns one of the sickest half-guards. That said, I don't have enough color to say how he's tracking the modern gi and no-gi game. His best student/instructor Silvio is a frequent competitor and does well however.

Gi Policy: Blue, black, or white. Patched with the school logo. None of these things are big deal.


Vitor 'Shaolin' Riberio was one the first to arrive on scene in New York City. With a tough yet welcoming environment, I am confident that the school will continue to thrive. It would be criminal to not check out VS-BJJ if you train jiu-jitsu in New York City.


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